Monday, October 26, 2015

Another Throwback Monday Overmantle Carvings

In preparation for the Hawaii workshop on cloud painting...I decided to post some old pics of woodcarvings.  I made a series of Sporting Art themed Overmantle pieces in the 90's. They were made of Cherry, Maple and Mahogany. They measured 30 inches wide by 18 inches tall and as cool as I thought they were, they faded like the green grass and the  flowering herb. The following picture is of a new painting that depicts monsoon flooding in the desert just outside the studio.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Throwback Monday, Figures, Workshop

I think I have shown the picture of the cowboys before.  These young guns were out back just daring me to paint them. It was sometime in the late 90's near our place in Sonora Mexico.  The dancing girl is also an old piece...20 years ago I painted Marissa (daughter) in the back yard in Billings Montana. She sat for us (Billings artists) a few times as a model.  She remembers making $9  one afternoon . I was still just dabbling at oil painting then; trying to pull away from watercolors and wildlife art.

The rocking chair w/art was an invention of our second sojourn in Mexico.  I did a number of these wrought iron, carved mahogany rockers with either original paintings or after-pieces from old masters plastered (painted) on the chair back.  This was my rendition of a Daniel Huntington classic.

Plans for the Hawaii workshop are developing nicely.  It will be a fun and informative distillation (for ease of ingestion) of the basic and important elements of beautiful  picture making (design, value and color) with a special emphasis on clouds and how to make them. Let me know if you'd be interested in a workshop in your area. I'll try to get more detailed info. on the blog and or face book as it unfolds.  FYI, There is a possible/potential for a three day workshop in Los Cabos Mexico next spring. So, Aloha and Olé !