So, left to my own designs I come up with things like the picture above. I was stranded at a Super 8 motel, car broke down and the summer swelter was like a hot tamale sizzlin' on the blacktop at noon on the road to perdition. (actually I was in Lordsburg, NM) I was/would have been a prime candidate for an alien abduction. Instead, I spent my time meditating on the vast implications of how a (now proven) finite time line (2nd law of thermodynamics, entropy, cooling of space etc.) influence bio-genesis (or not, as the case may be) Anyway, the theory of macro-evolution is scientifically way out there. It requires the suspension of disbelief that my profound ignorance just can't afford and eons of time that just don't exist in any hard-science / physics model. However, if you are a skeptic, the "new and richer understanding" of "maximum entropy production" leads one to believe in the spontaneous production of order from disorder as an expected consequence of basic laws. That to me is a much bigger stretch than to believe the guy at the garage who needed two days to replace one bad tire was from a parallel universe. If they were coming to get me (aliens...I was only 200 miles from area 51 at the time) then I would be ready. The other pictures (paintings) are from when I am not left to my own designs, in the safe confines of the studio. These are for sale this week on auction...see link top right of blog page to bid.