I spent Friday slogging through swamps. The sky was overcast, the air was cool and damp and I was one with nature. There was a new year's eve party scheduled for the night's festivities. It included a bon-fire, lots appetizers, a big pot of chili and fireworks. The crowd began to arrive a little after nine. Too bad, I was already in bed dreaming about ducks on the wing. This a.m. I was the only bright-eyed creature to greet the day and new year at the crack of dawn. I will have painted on two previously started canvases before anyone of the house full of slackers even opens an eye. So begins the year for one addicted to paint fumes ...and quack! These paintings are all available on auction. See the link on the blog page to "Link to Art for Sale" if you're interested in bidding. Regardless, enjoy them with the hope that this coming year brings ye lots of joy and cheer and beautiful vistas on the horizon of your tomorrows.
Feliz An(y)o