MAKE YOUR MOVE (picture a chess board) writing by Marissa- student, philosopher, writer, ...packager of paintings
Is it simply human nature to grow restless? We need consistency, but we crave change. If a person is middle aged, this might lead to buying a Corvette. In the times in between it might lead to a new hairstyle (and dyeing my bangs purple sounds really tempting right now).For twenty-somethings it seems the change may be something more internal, constrained, invisible. Like a nuclear reaction.21 may be a young age to check quarter life crisis off one's list of life experiences. Or not. As of now, it is just half checked for me: a single line, like a castaway marking the days of his exile without knowing when it will end, but at least comforted in knowing how long he's been gone. So maybe I can at least claim some empathy with other victims of uncertainty or even (dare I say)purposelessness.All these decisions, choices, possibilities, options, questions, unknowns, wonderings. Comfort comes in strange ways for what we of the quarter-life section face. Here are a few oddities that have emboldened me to take a few of those frightening steps, albeit small ones, without looking back. Because, really, what's the use of looking back if you can't go back?
1. There is nothing new under the sun. You are not unique in this. The stress you face is nothing that humanity has not suffered before. Yes, that is a good thing.
2. There is a saying that goes, "You become an adult when you begin to take responsibility for your decisions." Something like that; I translated it from Spanish. Decisions are hard. This is growing up. Maybe we never even really "arrive" at certainty at this life, so maybe this is being an adult. Maybe. I'll let you know when I get there.
3. "All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be" (Psalm 139:16). Free to choose what path we take, but foreordained. Not impossible, just hard to grasp. What logically follows is that no choice you take can really result in missing out on something you were "supposed" to do. Not that we escape consequences or responsibility. But you'll never catch Providence off guard. God has a plan and He's working it out in your life too, no matter what you choose.
4. What breaks your heart and what makes you come alive? Give it some thought. The answers might cut down on the "what to do with my life" quandary considerably.
1. There is nothing new under the sun. You are not unique in this. The stress you face is nothing that humanity has not suffered before. Yes, that is a good thing.
2. There is a saying that goes, "You become an adult when you begin to take responsibility for your decisions." Something like that; I translated it from Spanish. Decisions are hard. This is growing up. Maybe we never even really "arrive" at certainty at this life, so maybe this is being an adult. Maybe. I'll let you know when I get there.
3. "All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be" (Psalm 139:16). Free to choose what path we take, but foreordained. Not impossible, just hard to grasp. What logically follows is that no choice you take can really result in missing out on something you were "supposed" to do. Not that we escape consequences or responsibility. But you'll never catch Providence off guard. God has a plan and He's working it out in your life too, no matter what you choose.
4. What breaks your heart and what makes you come alive? Give it some thought. The answers might cut down on the "what to do with my life" quandary considerably.