The girl at the sporting goods store was holding back tears. We were buying hunting permits to kill
symbols of peace. I too started choking up as I described in sordid detail what happens once every twenty five shots of my scatter gun. My daughter, on the other hand, is a dedicated carnivore. I doubt she has ever cried once over a dead animal. I, like many proponents of catch-and-release-hunting, (I'm forming a new club) am torn between an insatiable appetite that has me looking to consume something edible and delicious at least five days a week and, fascination and wonder at the beautiful creation God made for His pleasure and our enjoyment. I believe I have shed more tears than most over fury, finned and feathered friends lost. And my moral extremes have me more confused than Fernando Garcia watching an episode of Homero Simpson in Sapochopo, Sonora, Mexico. Be that as it may, this grande painting will be available in my eBay store.