I instinctively started to quack. We were in the middle of our latest blow and in spite of the rain and windshield wipers flapping I could see the four mallards clearly as they set their wings in a final descent over the flooded wash. Do you dream about ducks? The beautiful teal pictured here was a fun little oil sketch...an ode to my favorite bird (pigeons notwithstanding). I think I will make a series of duck pictures before the next season. As a boy I traipsed around the wetlands that surrounded my Minnesota home in pursuit of birds and bad weather...and muskrats. I found them all...in abundance. My heroes were wildlife artists, Maass, Kuba, Browne and like them, I wanted to paint ducks in all their glorious splendor. Anymore, at this mid-point of life, I'm resigned to dwell in the dry desert and remember with frequent fondness my fowlicious forays of yesteryear and...dream of duck on occasion. I know that the empassioned love of waterfowl does appear to be a somewhat frivolous flight of fancy for a person of my age and responsibilities. Let me just say that once you get duck in your blood, you're hooked. It is a habit, a fowl habit...but I confess... I am addicted to quack!
Ashes to ashes, ducks to ducks.