The boys, fifteen and seventeen (in March) respectively, get along remarkably well. They are like twins...rarely leaving each other's side. I had Eddie out for a long day of duck hunting last week. The whole time his conversation was peppered with references to his younger brother; what he would be saying or doing if he were with us. At the end of our excursion, as the sun was going down, he unabashedly said he missed his brother Eli. So, I brag on these two and often take credit for their familial affections and brotherly love. After all, I tell them, I am their creator. That said, I was startled suddenly the other day by a rare and invective-filled commotion just outside the studio. So much was the clatter that I was forced to rise from my easel where I sat perched and still with brush in hand, poised for a last and deftly placed stroke on a masterpiece, to see what was the matter. Well, it seems, (I was told) that boy #2 had "accidentally" elbowed his older brother in the face...a couple of times. Boy #1 purposefully yet "instinctively" "...couldn't help myself" wound up and punched his little brother in the nose...hard. Now they appeared to be fighting over who was going to get a paper towel to soak up the blood pouring out of poor Eli's face. As we sat at the table for lunch a little while later the boys recounted all the times one has bloodied the other's nose, alternately finishing each other's sentences and laughing all the while. I'm just glad the punch wasn't "instinctively" placed a little lower and thus smashed 3K's worth of braces. I would have had my own "Couldn't help myself" reaction that I'm sure would have CPS breathing down my neck. I guess all's well that ends well.