Sunday, August 30, 2009
Water's Face 20x24

Saturday, August 29, 2009
What Cows See ('cept in black n white)

Friday, August 28, 2009
On The Bay 30x24

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
It's A Wonder (Tall Trees Ain't layin' Down) 24x20

Monday, August 24, 2009
Rogue River 24x20

This was a little tricky to paint but when finished...quite easy on the eyes. Available for your permanent collection here.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Montana Moon 24x18 Montana Family '97
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Saturday, August 22, 2009
Avery Field 30x24

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Table Mesa 15x30

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Early 18x24

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Runnoff 36x24

Rain's a' commin'. That's what you say when that familiar damp earth smell hits the nose and the memory synapses fire to bring you back to where you first recognized that aroma as something new and exciting...a portent of change for the better. Or, in my case, rainy afternoons stuck inside till you just couldn't take it anymore and you put on your rubber galoshes with those unbelievably inefficient black buckles. I know it might be hard for some folks from the northland (or anywhere there's black dirt) to not associate rain smells with the excitement of seeing and catching earthworms. The streets would fill with them and the puddles that formed along the curb would harbor their stinking forms for days after a good soaking. They are some of my very first and fondest memories and well, rain smells just don't have that wormy ingredient here in the desert. We do however, have a swamp cooler on our house. Actually, we have three. (You should pity the Tucson dweller that does not have air conditioning) They effectively bring in the outside air and cool it quite nicely when the humidity is low. But when there's been rain you find out why they're called swamp coolers. To me it's a beautiful reminisce every time my duct work sends out wafts and draughts of moist air that reeks of rotting worms. So you see, my kids haven't been completely deprived of childhood essentials just because we live in a desert. This writing relates directly with the painting pictured above.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
La LLamada 24x36

Saturday, August 15, 2009
The Hills Alive 20x24

Just up the hill from Sacramento, past Folsom on the way to Placerville. That's were Chris lives and were we stayed...and had views like this for a few days. This is being offered on auction here.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Mt. Shasta 36x24
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Bandon Bluff 24x20

Questions of the first order is what I've heard them called. They are the big questions, the why and how of existence. I grapple with them from time to time and I grappled about them the other day with a young man who fancied himself intellectual and a bit of a philosopher. Well, I'm by no means a mental giant but neither do I readily embrace cognitive dissonance as a practise. This young fellow was more than willing do that and it was discouraging and frightful to see and hear what passes for "reason" in some circles. Now before you get to thinking that I'm fixin' to pull myself up by my own bootstraps let me say that I comported myself in my usual humble and dignified manner ...worthy of the best self-effacing lambs out there. No, I take no joy in gloating my brain or it's prowess over others.(not that I have a lot of opportunity for that) It's just that sometimes the quantum physicist in me gets to cringing overmuch at the improbable theories foisted upon us continually by the modern media and intellectual elite; people who should know better. The details of the beliefs or lack thereof aren't what rankle as much as the quick and easy embracing of dishonesty. Truth on the inward parts...that's what God desires. King David prayed that God would keep him from secret sins...ones he wouldn't / couldn't even know. Now that is really peeling back the layers for some serious soul-searching...something that will bode well with anyone hoping to develop a systematic life philosophy. I for one have a hard enough time just looking in the mirror... which I do everyday as I paint. Seeing the picture in reverse gives fresh eyes and especially helps in the drawing and composition stages. How did I turn this mini rant into an art lesson? ...it's not the turpentine anymore for I now use odorless.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Johnny & Me
Adonde Vas? 36x24

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