I'd apologize for my tardiness but I somehow don't think anyone is waiting with baited breath to read my updates and...if there is, well, I think I could recommend a few things that could keep him/her from the devil's workshop, viz., idleness which leads to excessive blog reading. I have been fully engaged in the battle beyond the border fighting the forces of the dark side trying to get this adoption finished ...and that without a light saber. I have had all I can handle to keep the inspiration flowing (not to mention the paint), the kids in check and all the while spending more pesos than a shipload of tequila-fueled sailors at Rosa's Cantina on the sea of Cortez. So, I have maintained sanity and am happy to report that our new daughter is fully adopted (we have yet to get permission to cross the border with her) and is as happy as a little Mexican clam. One of my own activities, designed to keep me out of the above-mentioned workshop, has been to read Robinson Crusoe during my travels and while waiting interminable hours between appointments with lawyers and judges. (If they were to make a movie of my life Scott thinks that Chevvy Chase should play me during this part...he must think this all sounds pretty funny)I have to say that the theology expressed by Daniel Defoe (author) is as profound and stirring and as completely encouraging and intellectually satisfying as any of the Puritan writers my beady little eyes have ever had the privilege to read. If you have yet to dive deep into well-thought notions of the sovereignty of Providence and the pleasurable answers to questions of the first order provided in the gospel accounts, I highly recommend this book. Originally considered a children's novel this is good and fun reading and quite wholesome for the brain. FYI, if the word "puritan" turns you off in regard to religion than I suggest you do like Elvis did and toss your TV out the window and ...read a bit of history. Some of the best minds and most self-sacrificing examples of noble-hearted men and women who ever lived and who are credited with some of the most significant inventions, writings and achievements ever were Puritans. Anyway, I'm no puritan but do appreciate the well thought -out philosophy that seems to always accompany their work. This painting is a real beauty. Inspired my my recent tropical voyages and awe inspiring clouds that populate the summer sky. It has some thick paint and is another that has a bit of that Maxfield Parrish look to it. Offered here on auction.