Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Hawaii Workshop Review (Mitch caught a blue marlin)

They will be known as the Hawaii 5. Five artists attended the workshop in Oahu this month. In years to come they will become famous, will have their own TV show named 5-O, and the world will look back on those three, seemingly insignificant days, as the catalyst that spawned a movement and ushered in a new era.  That's how good the workshop was. The weather was...well, Hawaiian. The food and fellowship were super enjoyable and the quotes printed at the bottom of every page of our syllabus were out of this world!  I could not have asked for a funner, nicer group of painters to hang with.  We had plenty of time to go over some basics like paint arrangement on the palette and choosing the type of canvas, brushes and paints to use to the more advanced topics of composition and color theory.  All this while learning to paint "alla prima" made for some good paintings completed by everyone and lots of fun. Stay tuned for updates about upcoming workshop opportunities. Thank you Rachel, Mitch, Dania, Jeremy and Carmen for making it such a memorable time and a special thanks from all of us to Chief Officer, fantastic artist and great mom and friend Rachel for inspiring, organizing and arranging everything for us . You're the best!